Create the page "MATLAB" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- *:MATLAB : FreeMat, SAGE2 KB (268 words) - 08:43, 14 May 2010
- Operation :Using Matlab,i got the vector matrix of the image and then separated each dimension's ve Now on adding the individual dimensions,using linear combination function in matlab,we can get the orginal image,but in grayscale.It looks like the following:[3 KB (463 words) - 20:40, 22 September 2009
- After 6 hours of MATLAB code, and processing the image of my dog "Milo"(shown below), countless tim ...s as to why we have more samples. I used an FIR Parks Mc Clellen filter in MATLAB, and that usually does this.5 KB (847 words) - 10:54, 21 September 2012
- your pet dog's best photograph, and for sine waves, you write a line in MATLAB.5 KB (822 words) - 10:54, 21 September 2012
- ==Experiment: Can MATLAB say ECE 438?== *What I did was to load these into MATLAB, cut out the part of the word containing the syllable I needed and then con6 KB (991 words) - 10:55, 21 September 2012
- ...k at the images as 3-dimensional projections for easier visualization (via MATLAB's mesh command). First the original image: ...ok at what happens to the FFT2 of Lena as we add noise to the image (using MATLAB's randn).'''</big><br><br> Here's the original image and corresponding CSFT8 KB (1,397 words) - 10:23, 18 March 2013
- ...stumble on their three page dissertation on "Applying Average Filtering in MATLAB to Improve Pictures of my Cat." However, as we discussed in class, if profe9 KB (1,621 words) - 15:36, 1 January 2010
- there is alot of MATLAB, fret not. As Prof Mimi said in the first week; MATLAB will be the last of your worries in ECE 438. The math is a little challengi ...hat you should figure out how to use Matlab because ECE438 lab is based on Matlab. Lastly, if you do homework and attend every lecture classes, I am pretty s17 KB (3,004 words) - 07:11, 15 December 2011
- ...the derivation of such. I must also resist the huge temptation to just use MatLab and the Law of Large Numbers to solve all the homework... So far I've resis4 KB (731 words) - 08:40, 20 May 2013
- *[[ANN_Simulink_examples_ece662_Sp2010|ANN Jump Start: Using MATLAB Simulink to train a network]]4 KB (547 words) - 11:24, 25 June 2010
- *All graphs must be generated using MATLAB unless otherwise stated. Graphs must also be numbered to the corresponding432 B (69 words) - 13:41, 9 July 2017
- ...k in this course with [ Freemat] instead of Matlab.1 KB (206 words) - 15:13, 11 January 2010
- ...hich later applies to EE courses. Matrix operations can be used greatly in Matlab as well. --[[User:shim0|euijae]] ...rojects as opposed to the trivial homeworks that are currently assigned as MATLAB work. As far as advice goes, you as an engineer will likely be forced to ta3 KB (557 words) - 12:26, 12 December 2013
- Here is a cool new function in MATLAB i learned today its called the pretty function272 B (47 words) - 17:15, 17 February 2010
- You can always put the matrix in matlab to find the rref, then you can check to see if you can get the same answer.516 B (99 words) - 15:52, 17 February 2010
- ...arifications about this topic will be in my HW#1 report , and below is the matlab source code for the above experiment:7 KB (1,104 words) - 06:44, 23 February 2010
- .... R has more useful packages compared with FreeMat, but not as powerful as Matlab for general purpose scientific computing, except in the aspect of Statistic ...n in Matlab. If you don’t know how to use it just type “edit cov” in Matlab and then copy the whole function as a new function to your freemath program4 KB (596 words) - 12:17, 12 November 2010
- ....jpg|10px]] [[Image:Greenstar.jpg|10px]] For discussing the ML function in Matlab and posting an example [[ECE662_hw2_discussions| here]].7 KB (1,009 words) - 10:27, 13 April 2010
- ...think that this function is useful to verify the result of hw2 if you have MATLAB. I try to find the effect of the sample size in MLE using "mle" function be I wrote this MATLAB / FreeMat code to compute the Cholesky Decomposition of a matrix. The matri4 KB (692 words) - 08:54, 16 April 2010
- I found a MATLAB [ ...rown and the white wine region is white. The regions are constructed using MATLAB's [ KB (449 words) - 15:24, 9 May 2010
- To illustrate the idea, i wrote a matlab code for training binary linear classifier with perceptron algorithm"DHS se3 KB (429 words) - 06:29, 12 April 2010
- .../~cjlin/libsvm/ LIBSVM ] - A library of SVM software, including both C and Matlab code. Various interfaces through several platforms available as well. links to effective Support Vector Machines packages, written in C/C++. Matlab, applicable for binary/multi- calss classifications.3 KB (416 words) - 09:56, 13 April 2010
- == LINK : Matlab Code == 1. [ The contents are below]5 KB (761 words) - 09:53, 13 April 2010
- ...So I implemented the [[Fisher_Linear_Discriminant|Fisher discriminant]] in Matlab and used some synthetic data to visualize how the data is projected onto on1 KB (238 words) - 09:01, 16 April 2010
- * [ MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox]2 KB (296 words) - 09:46, 16 April 2010
- ...s for different values of these parameters (the code is all implemented in Matlab).4 KB (821 words) - 15:05, 20 April 2010
- contents of matlab code: intxy.m650 B (104 words) - 04:29, 6 May 2010
- ...plot discretely so to prevent getting messy we use the ''plot ''command in Matlab instead of ''stem''. <br>13 KB (2,348 words) - 12:25, 2 December 2011
- ...For simpler nonlinear systems, this might not be an issue. The following MATLAB code uses the Neural Network Toolbox to train a 1 dimensional feature space <source lang="matlab">5 KB (746 words) - 08:55, 11 May 2010
- ...s, the abstraction becomes incarnate in a true and tangible tool spoken by Matlab and C. As if this weren't fascinating enough, the world can be moved using3 KB (585 words) - 07:15, 7 September 2010
- *[[Homework 1 ECE301Fall2008mboutin|ECE301 students playing music with Matlab]]9 KB (1,221 words) - 10:00, 22 December 2014
- MATLAB [ Help Reference] Landis Huffman's [[Landis'_Matlab_Page|Matlab Page]]3 KB (431 words) - 06:07, 31 January 2011
- *[[Homework_1_ECE301Fall2008mboutin|ECE301 students playing music with MATLAB]].1 KB (167 words) - 05:42, 1 September 2010
- '''Landis Huffman's Matlab Page''' Matlab has proved to be an invaluable tool for my work in signal processing engine4 KB (602 words) - 08:32, 6 October 2010
- =Use of MATLAB in the Classroom ([[ECE]])= ===Use of MATLAB in [[ECE438]]: Digital Signal Processing with Applications ===2 KB (286 words) - 04:45, 29 December 2010
- Matlab code: For example, in case 6 type following command in the command window of Matlab:10 KB (1,690 words) - 16:44, 23 October 2011
- Are we allowed to use Maple or MatLab to graph? Or should we hand-sketch the plots? Answer from Bell: Yes, use MAPLE or Matlab or Mathematica or SAGE or whatever you know how to use. But don't sketch i2 KB (402 words) - 17:48, 2 November 2010
- The matlab code I used first found out the range in which Neil Armstrong said 'For a m3 KB (535 words) - 10:42, 16 December 2010
- ...r these types of questions, it is good to check your answers by using MATLAB, so you can just be sure of everything. 18 KB (2,963 words) - 06:22, 3 July 2012
- ...elow. Post all your results on that page, including all your explanations, MATLAB code and sound files. You must read this [[Disclaimer|disclaimer]] before p ...nnot get this problem to work, then just post what you get along with your Matlab code on the [[HW1 ECE301 Spring2011|hw1 discussion page]]. All students are7 KB (1,166 words) - 17:01, 21 January 2011
- When dealing with multimedia in MATLAB it is always a good idea to end every command with a semicolon. A semicolon keeps MATLAB from echoing the output of a command to the console window. Use a semicolon2 KB (255 words) - 05:49, 6 January 2011
- MATLAB [ Help Reference] Landis Huffman's [[Landis'_Matlab_Page|Matlab Page]]2 KB (352 words) - 06:06, 31 January 2011
- ...ion of sound signals from the [[Lecture1ECE301S11|previous lecture]] using MATLAB to play some pure frequencies. We then defined the energy and the power of2 KB (254 words) - 12:24, 31 January 2011
- Smoke on the Water MATLAB Code MATLAB CODE2 KB (272 words) - 13:46, 17 January 2011
- Smoke on the Water MATLAB Code MATLAB CODE2 KB (272 words) - 13:49, 17 January 2011
- 1. Matlab Code1 KB (173 words) - 19:09, 17 January 2011
- %Play the following using Matlab %2.Write a Matlab routine to extract the subliminal message by playing the extract backwards.2 KB (405 words) - 09:13, 18 January 2011
- %Play the following using Matlab<br>%Part 1<br>%1.The main melody of the song "Smoke On The Water" by Deep P %Part 2<br>%1.What is the forward repeated phrase. <br>%2.Write a Matlab routine to extract the subliminal message by playing the extract backwards.3 KB (459 words) - 09:15, 18 January 2011
- Matlab Code:3 KB (470 words) - 11:31, 18 January 2011
- Using this information the following matlab code can be created in order to play the song Smoke on the Water.<br>% ECE12 KB (1,963 words) - 11:45, 18 January 2011