Revision as of 05:51, 3 November 2011 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

Rhea is a website that enables members of the Purdue community to help each other learn. Learn more . . .

Find out what your peers have already created on Rhea.

Many classes on campus are using Rhea as part of the course. If you don't see your course listed here, go ahead and create a page for it! There is a shortcut for doing this in the left-side bar.

Rhea is developed and maintained by a team of students. Meet the Rhea development team and our writers-in-residence.


Rhea is supported by: MotorolaLogo.gif The Motorola Foundation NSFLogo.gif and your donations.

Alumni Liaison

Have a piece of advice for Purdue students? Share it through Rhea!

Alumni Liaison