Software Bounty: Mobile Web Interface for Rhea

Software Bounty Status: OPEN

Click here to view all software bounties.

The goal of this bounty is to enable Rhea users to easily view the site from their mobile phone. A mobile web interface should automatically detect the user-agent and use the appropriate mobile skin.

Questions? Write them below or talk to Andrew Haddad haddada@purdue--Haddada 17:54, 9 April 2010 (UTC)

$ Amount:


Bounty Requirements/Acceptance Criteria*

  1. Software must complete all of the proposed specifications.
  2. Software must meet the Usability Rules as proposed by Constantine & Lockwood in their text Software For Use - see below
  3. It is highly suggested that developers follow User-Interface Design Principles as proposed by Software For Use - see below
  4. Follow the Usability Rules

Getting Started

Email Andrew Haddad haddada@purdue to obtain Rhea's SVN repository.


  • Write a question here
    • answer will be written here
  • write another question here
    • answer will be written here.

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