• ...dom variable" being observed should be the sum or mean of many independent random variables. (variables need not be iid)(See the PROOF ) ...nly statistical model that is needed is the conditional model of the class variable given the measurement. This conditional model can be obtained from a joint
    31 KB (4,832 words) - 17:13, 22 October 2010
  • '''Discriminant function for the Normal Density''' p(X|w) is normal for all i.
    6 KB (916 words) - 07:47, 17 January 2013
  • If <math>\varphi</math> normal density, there is no dual to this i.e there can not be a metric defined for <math>p(x_0)</math> is a random variable
    10 KB (1,607 words) - 07:38, 17 January 2013
  • ...r distribution for the unknown mean to be distributed as a Gaussian random variable, we will obtain a posterior distribution for the mean which is also Gaussia ...ectly, since the inverse covariance matrix is used in the definition for a normal distribution. It can be shown, then, that
    4 KB (707 words) - 09:37, 20 May 2013
  • *'''I. Guyon and A. Elisseeff, "An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection", Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 3, pp.11 Variable and feature selection have become the focus of much research in areas of ap
    39 KB (5,715 words) - 09:52, 25 April 2008
  • ...{-j\nu}). Use the fact that the sequence was derived from a uniform random variable. The link below (from wikipedia) is useful to get the info you need from th ...ndering if its ok to use randn instead when we want to generate the random variable between -0.5 and 0.5...
    2 KB (258 words) - 23:51, 21 March 2008
  • ...dom variable" being observed should be the sum or mean of many independent random variables.
    213 B (35 words) - 09:01, 31 March 2008
  • ...esting class as it deals with a lot of practical applications that isn’t normal seen is ECE classes. Such applications deal with very basic voice recogniti ...weeks we spend on reviewing 301 material and spend more time on image and random process. -- [[User:xiao1|Yimin Xiao]]
    17 KB (3,004 words) - 07:11, 15 December 2011
  • ...f the average of a large number of samples from a distribution tends to be normal" More precisely the random variable <math>Z_n = \frac{\Sigma_{i=1}^n X_i - n \mu}{\sigma \sqrt{n}}</math> has <
    5 KB (806 words) - 08:08, 11 May 2010
  • ...dom variable" being observed should be the sum or mean of many independent random variables. (variables need not be iid)(See the PROOF ) ...nly statistical model that is needed is the conditional model of the class variable given the measurement. This conditional model can be obtained from a joint
    31 KB (4,787 words) - 17:21, 22 October 2010
  • ='''1.6 Continuous Random Variables'''= '''1.6.1 Gaussian distribution (normal distribution)''' <math class="inline">\mathcal{N}\left(\mu,\sigma^{2}\right
    5 KB (843 words) - 10:27, 30 November 2010
  • [[Category:random variables]] From the [[ECE_600_Sequences_of_Random_Variables|course notes on "sequence of random variables"]] of [[user:han84|Sangchun Han]], [[ECE]] PhD student.
    4 KB (657 words) - 10:42, 30 November 2010
  • ...class="inline">\mathbf{Y}</math> be jointly Gaussian (normal) distributed random variables with mean <math class="inline">0</math> , <math class="inline">E\ ...> . Note: <math class="inline">\mathbf{V}</math> is not a Gaussian random variable.
    6 KB (916 words) - 07:26, 27 June 2012
  • ...of independent, identically distributed zero-mean, unit-variance Gaussian random variables. The sequence <math class="inline">\mathbf{X}_{n}</math> , <math ...les, <math class="inline">\mathbf{X}_{n}</math> is a sequence of Gaussian random variables with zero mean and variance <math class="inline">\sigma_{\mathbf{
    14 KB (2,439 words) - 07:29, 27 June 2012
  • | Random variable | Normal or Gaussian <math> N(\mu,\sigma^{2})</math>
    6 KB (851 words) - 14:34, 23 April 2013
  • *Discrete Random Variables ...02S13Boutin|Normalizing the probability mass function of a discrete random variable]]
    7 KB (960 words) - 17:17, 23 February 2015
  • If <math>\varphi</math> normal density, there is no dual to this i.e there can not be a metric defined for <math>p(x_0)</math> is a random variable
    10 KB (1,609 words) - 10:22, 10 June 2013
  • '''Discriminant function for the Normal Density''' p(X|w) is normal for all i.
    6 KB (946 words) - 10:17, 10 June 2013
  • [[Category:random variables]] Question 1: Probability and Random Processes
    5 KB (726 words) - 09:35, 10 March 2015
  • Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, 3rd Edition, by Alberto Leon-Garcia, *Discrete Random Variables
    10 KB (1,422 words) - 19:14, 30 April 2013
  • ==Part 2: Discrete Random Variables (To be tested in the second intra-semestrial exam)== *2.2 Functions of a discrete random variable
    4 KB (498 words) - 09:18, 17 April 2013
  • ...e. We also had a little bit of time to start talking about two dimensional random variables.
    3 KB (387 words) - 06:09, 28 February 2013
  • [[Category:normal random variable]]
    2 KB (287 words) - 09:33, 20 March 2013
  • [[Category:normal random variable]] be a two-dimensional Gaussian random variable with mean <math>\mu</math> and standard deviation matrix <math>\Sigma</math
    2 KB (273 words) - 02:22, 26 March 2013
  • ...{-j\nu}). Use the fact that the sequence was derived from a uniform random variable. The link below (from wikipedia) is useful to get the info you need from th ...ndering if its ok to use randn instead when we want to generate the random variable between -0.5 and 0.5...
    2 KB (264 words) - 07:05, 9 April 2013
  • Topic: CDF of Normal random variable ...dimensional Normal random variable with mean 1 and std 2. Use the standard normal table displayed to compute the following probabilities.
    797 B (103 words) - 13:28, 25 April 2013
  • Topic: CDF of Normal random variable ...dimensional Normal random variable with mean 3 and std 2. Use the standard normal table displayed to compute the following probabilities.
    797 B (103 words) - 13:32, 25 April 2013
  • [[ECE600_F13_rv_definition_mhossain|Previous Topic: Random Variables: Definitions]]<br/> [[ECE600_F13_notes_mhossain|'''The Comer Lectures on Random Variables and Signals''']]
    15 KB (2,637 words) - 11:11, 21 May 2014
  • ...tinuous random variables and probability mass function in case of discrete random variables and 'θ' is the parameter being estimated. ...variables) or the probability of the probability mass (in case of discrete random variables)'''
    12 KB (1,986 words) - 09:49, 22 January 2015
  • The principle of how to generate a Gaussian random variable ...od for pseudo random number sampling first. Then, we will explain Gaussian random sample generation method based on Box Muller transform. Finally, we will in
    8 KB (1,189 words) - 09:39, 22 January 2015
  • [[Category:random variables]] Question 1: Probability and Random Processes
    6 KB (895 words) - 23:41, 9 March 2015
  • [[Category:random variables]] Question 1: Probability and Random Processes
    3 KB (490 words) - 09:36, 10 March 2015

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Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

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