Revision as of 14:10, 31 December 2008 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

Who is behind all this?

Rhea is developed and maintained by a team of student volunteers. If you would like to join the development team, click here.

Meet the Current Student Development team

The team for the Spring 2009 semester is currently being formed.

Meet the Fall 2008 Student Development team

Ben Brame Bbrame.jpg Ben noined the project bla bla bla bls bi uzgr kzgds rkzydsrk zyr uyz
Deen King-Smith Dkingsmi.jpg
Stephen Rudolph Stephen rudolph.jpg
Dennis Snell Dennis snell.jpg
Mike Walker Mike.jpg

Initial Development Work

The initial development work was done in the Summer of 2007 by Katie Bouman (now at U. of Michigan) under the supervision of Professor Mimi Boutin. Katie remained on the project until the end of Summer 2008, participating in outreach activities and helping to create the kiwi instructinal video. Dennis Snell, an undergraduate student in ECE at Purdue, was instrumental in developing the first version of the kiwi using the zope software in Fall 2008 and concretely defining the project. He also orchestrated the migration to mediaWiki in Spring 2008. Deen King-Smith, a PhD student in ECE, took a leading role in the project in Spring 2008. William Ehlhardt, an undergraduate student in ECE, attacked some information management challenges in the Summer of 2008. He is also the one who designed the kiwi mascot and he is the voice on the kiwi instructional video. Stephen Rudolph, a masters student in ECE, took the lead of the project in the Summer 2008 and organized the migration to the new server. Ben Horst developed the Rhea logos in September 08.

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva