Homework 1 collaboration area
Feel free to toss around ideas here. Feel free to form teams to toss around ideas. Feel free to create your own workspace for your own team. --Steve Bell
Here is my favorite formula:
$ f(a)=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z-a}\ dz. $
This is a test formula:
$ A \vec x= \vec b $ - Eun Young
I have a question on the Kirchoff law problem, section 7.3 problem 18. On the loop portion of the defining equations, relative to a clockwise direction, I find the equation of the right loop to be -12 I2 + 8 I3 = -24. Is this correct to assume the I2 term is negative due to the counterclockwise flow of I2, as with the voltage term?