Revision as of 06:28, 21 July 2011 by Aparrapo (Talk | contribs)

 Currently, any page in the Rhea Courses section looks like:
Rhea courses old.jpg

Click on the image for a full resolution version

This is how the new initiatives on the Liaison Program will affect the same page:

Rhea courses.jpg
Click on the image for a full resolution version

The initiatives, marked in red, include:

  • Advertising: The company can advertise through the Rhea website using promotional videos or stating numbers and facts. The ad links either to the external company website, or to the internal company website in Rhea.
  • Long term skill guidance: The company can advertise through the "Rhea Courses" section, where it can let the students know that the skills acquired during a specific course are generally required to work for the company. The benefits for the company are clear: in the future, instead of having to choose from all the candidates the ones that have the required skills for a particular job, the company would receive resumes from candidates that have been trained to get the job. This is, the link between the company and the student is established from the first year of college.

Alumni Liaison

has a message for current ECE438 students.

Sean Hu, ECE PhD 2009