Revision as of 16:43, 18 January 2011 by Gmwood (Talk | contribs)

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% Part 1 - Smoke on the Water

for part = 1:3

   if part == 1
       tempo = 112;
       octave = 1;
   elseif part == 2
       tempo = 224;
       octave = 1;
       tempo = 112;
       octave = 2;
   fa = 440;
   del = 0.00005;
   beat = 60 / tempo;
   quart = (0:del:beat);
   dotquart = (0:del:1.5*beat);
   half = (0:del:2*beat);
   eighth = (0:del:0.5*beat);
   G = fa * 2^(-2/12);
   Bf = fa * 2^(1/12);
   C = fa * 2^(3/12);
   Df = fa * 2^(4/12);
   quart_g = sin(2*pi*G*quart*octave);
   quart_bf = sin(2*pi*Bf*quart*octave);
   dotquart_c = sin(2*pi*C*dotquart*octave);
   eighth_df = sin(2*pi*Df*eighth*octave);
   half_c = sin(2*pi*C*half*octave);
   smoke = [quart_g, quart_bf, dotquart_c, quart_g, quart_bf, eighth_df, half_c, quart_g, quart_bf, dotquart_c, quart_bf, quart_g];
   sound(smoke, 1/del)
       if part == 1
           wavwrite(smoke, 20000, 32, 'smoke_part1')
       elseif part == 2
           wavwrite(smoke, 20000, 32, 'smoke_part2')
           wavwrite(smoke, 20000, 32, 'smoke_part3')


% Part 2 - Subliminal Message

% In the original file, the phrase 'Number Nine' seems to be repeated.

[beatles, fs] = wavread('Beatles.wav'); sublim = flipud(beatles); sound(15 * sublim, fs) wavwrite(sublim, fs, 32, 'beatles_message')

% However, the reversed file seems to say 'Turn me on Desmond'.

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang