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%Daniel Sabo %ECE 301 %HW 1

%Part 1

delta = .00005; bps = 112/60;

whole = 0:delta:bps; half = 0:delta:bps/2; quarter = 0:delta:bps/4; eigth = 0:delta:bps/8; dotted_q = 0:delta:bps*.375;

G = 391.995; Bf = 466.164; C = 523.251; Df = 554.365;

note_G = sin(2*pi*G*quarter); note_Bf = sin(2*pi*Bf*quarter); note_C_dotted = sin(2*pi*C*dotted_q); note_C_half = sin(2*pi*C*half); note_Df = sin(2*pi*Df*eigth);

normal = [note_G,note_Bf,note_C_dotted,note_G,...


bps = bps/2;

whole = 0:delta:bps; half = 0:delta:bps/2; quarter = 0:delta:bps/4; eigth = 0:delta:bps/8; dotted_q = 0:delta:bps*.375;

note_G = sin(2*pi*G*quarter); note_Bf = sin(2*pi*Bf*quarter); note_C_dotted = sin(2*pi*C*dotted_q); note_C_half = sin(2*pi*C*half); note_Df = sin(2*pi*Df*eigth);

faster = [note_G,note_Bf,note_C_dotted,note_G,...


whole = 0:delta:bps; half = 0:delta:bps/2; quarter = 0:delta:bps/4; eigth = 0:delta:bps/8; dotted_q = 0:delta:bps*.375;

G = 2*G; Bf = 2*Bf; C = 2*C; Df = 2*Df;

note_G = sin(2*pi*G*quarter); note_Bf = sin(2*pi*Bf*quarter); note_C_dotted = sin(2*pi*C*dotted_q); note_C_half = sin(2*pi*C*half); note_Df = sin(2*pi*Df*eigth);

higher = [note_G,note_Bf,note_C_dotted,note_G,...


wavwrite(normal, 1/delta,'Normal'); wavwrite(faster, 1/delta,'Twice_Speed'); wavwrite(higher, 1/delta,'Higher_Pitch');

%Part 2 [beatles, fs, bits] = wavread('Beatles.wav'); sound(beatles, fs, bits); reverse = flipud(beatles); sound(reverse,fs); wavwrite(reverse,fs,'Beatles_Reverse');

Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett