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Practice Problem

Compute the discrete Fourier transform of the discrete-time signal

$ x[n]= (-j)^n $.

How does your answer related to the Fourier series coefficients of x[n]?

Share your answers below

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Answer 1

$ X_k = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x_n \cdot e^{-j 2 \pi \frac{k}{N} n} = \sum_{n=0}^{3} (-j)^n \cdot e^{-j 2 \pi \frac{k}{4} n} = 1 + (-j \cdot e^{-j \frac{\pi k}{2}} ) + (-1 \cdot e^{-j \frac{2\pi k}{2}} ) + (j \cdot e^{-j \frac{3\pi k}{2}} ) $

$ = 1 + (-j) \cdot (-j)^k + (-1) \cdot (1)^k + (j) \cdot (j)^k = (-j)^{k+1} + (j)^{k+1} = 0, 0, 0, 4 $

, when k = 0, 1 ,2 ,3. And it is periodic with K = 4.

Answer 2

Write it here

Back to ECE438 Fall 2011 Prof. Boutin

Alumni Liaison

BSEE 2004, current Ph.D. student researching signal and image processing.

Landis Huffman