% Part 1 - Smoke on the Water
for part = 1:3
if part == 1 tempo = 112; octave = 1; elseif part == 2 tempo = 224; octave = 1; else tempo = 112; octave = 2; end fa = 440; del = 0.00005; beat = 60 / tempo; quart = (0:del:beat); dotquart = (0:del:1.5*beat); half = (0:del:2*beat); eighth = (0:del:0.5*beat);
G = fa * 2^(-2/12); Bf = fa * 2^(1/12); C = fa * 2^(3/12); Df = fa * 2^(4/12); quart_g = sin(2*pi*G*quart*octave); quart_bf = sin(2*pi*Bf*quart*octave); dotquart_c = sin(2*pi*C*dotquart*octave); eighth_df = sin(2*pi*Df*eighth*octave); half_c = sin(2*pi*C*half*octave);
smoke = [quart_g, quart_bf, dotquart_c, quart_g, quart_bf, eighth_df, half_c, quart_g, quart_bf, dotquart_c, quart_bf, quart_g]; sound(smoke, 1/del) if part == 1 wavwrite(smoke, 20000, 32, 'smoke_part1') elseif part == 2 wavwrite(smoke, 20000, 32, 'smoke_part2') else wavwrite(smoke, 20000, 32, 'smoke_part3') end
% Part 2 - Subliminal Message
% In the original file, the phrase 'Number Nine' seems to be repeated.
[beatles, fs] = wavread('Beatles.wav'); sublim = flipud(beatles); sound(15 * sublim, fs) wavwrite(sublim, fs, 32, 'beatles_message')
% However, the reversed file seems to say 'Turn me on Desmond'.