Revision as of 20:33, 19 July 2010 by Jweigand (Talk | contribs)

I'm Jamie Weigandt, I am graduate student in the department of mathematics specializing in Algorithmic Number Theory, Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, and Arithmetic Statistics.

Note on this page

For the time being I will use LaTeX code freely when editing this page.

Random Thoughts About Rhea as I use it

  • Can we add LaTeX functionality with jsmath, at least for the pages relevant to mathematicians?
  • Can we add the option to "Open Poor editior in a new window"? The sidebar gets too big when I increase the font size to see in safari.

The Bigfoot Project

As a motivating project for learning a lot of background material I am engaged in what I consider a mythical quest to find an elliptic curve over $\Bbb Q$ with torsion subgroup $Z_2 \times Z_8$ and Mordell-Weil rank at least 4. Such a curve is affectionally referred to by my friends and I as "The Bigfoot." This nomenclature is somewhat misleading, such a curve, should it exist is not by any stretch of the imagination expected to be unique. I hope to expound on the status of this project at a later date.

For now I will be motivated in my development of this page by 3 facts:

  • My bank account is suffering from conference fatigue.
  • There is an essay contest for which I can win $100.
  • I'd like to stop eating at Taco Bell.

That being said I'll get right to this following section:

Why do I "math"?

I do mathematics because I love doing it. It's something I'm excited about most any day. I have the great fortune of interacting with some incredible people who feel the same way about mathematics as I do. Their devotion to the pursuit of mathematical truth, excitement about theory, and their cheerful optimism is absolutely contagious.

Alumni Liaison

EISL lab graduate

Mu Qiao