Revision as of 14:01, 14 January 2009 by Vhsieh (Talk | contribs)

My name is Virgil.

Most of you probably refer to me as the pleasantly plump Asian who yells random remarks, wrong answers, and facetious comments during lectures. Some love it; some hate it. As my boy Kanye put it:

"Everybody feels a way about Kanye, but, at least, you feel something." -Mr. West

My hobbies include hanging and chilling with the bros and the homies, sleeping, eating, and, of course, intense and in-depth ECE 438 study. I really enjoy dedicating my Friday nights to analyzing digital signals. It is, point and fact, a blasty blast.

In the future, I plan to court and marry Hayden Panettiere or Lauren Conrad. Either one, I'm not picky.

I have posted underneath a shopped and cropped image for your amusement, mainly to indirectly boast about my Photoshopping skills. I am a beast.


Now, as we learned in lecture, this picture can actually be represented as a DT signal. Anyone want to give it a try?

Alumni Liaison

BSEE 2004, current Ph.D. student researching signal and image processing.

Landis Huffman