Revision as of 08:46, 13 February 2013 by Sshih (Talk | contribs)

Discussion for Lab 4

Additional Information

Before you jump into the lab, there is actually a difference for the monitors everyone is using. To ensure consistent result throughout the lab, I would suggest using the same monitor while doing calibrations!

Basic knowledge for gamma correction

Extended information for something to do when you are bored

Fun experiment to do on your monitor(s)

Q&A Section

Q: My image looks really dark after correction.
A - Make sure you have both nullification and correction set correctly.
Q: In problem 3, I checked the "stretch" function in matlab help, but I did not find it. I got "stretchlim" from matlab help. Why do we need to use the syntax "stretch"?
A - I believe the lab is written that way so that you could write the equalization into function calls

Back to Spring 2013 ECE637

Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett