I just had a few question about FS and FT and whatnot.
1. Is the Fourier Transform for Aperiodic Signals Only?
- No. They are for periodic signals also. The formula for transforming a periodic signal is (I believe) the first one on the table.
2. Are Fourier Series for Periodic Signals Only?
- YES.
3. We are not supposed to use the Fourier Transform of complex exponentials. Does this mean that we shouldn't take the Fourier Transform of periodic signals?
- Correction: you are not suppose to integrate to compute the Fourier Transform of complex exponentials. Yes you do: but you either use a table, or you guess the answer and go backward.
4. I think I'm confusing the Fourier Series and Fourier Transform in general. Whats the difference?
- (Answering Questions 1 and 2 might help me understand this)
- Fourier Series is for periodic signals. It represents signals as a summation of complex exponentials.
- Fourier Transform is for all signal. It represents signals as an integral of complex exponentials.